29 Jul, 2021 Uncategorized
The term biometric defines the individuals distinct physical, biological and unique characteristics that differentiates him from another person. A simple, general and natural example is like as we all know how human brains are equipped by nature to identify a person effortlessly through his face, we can now do the task with automated systems with analytical tools and equipments with deep leaning to recognise people and differentiate them without a human intereference through face matching, fingerprint etc and with very high grades of accuracy and more of precision and perfection.
thus this can play a extremely significant role in identification of a person from another or rather we can say differentiation of person from another.
The key modes used for biometric identification and the most commonly known, verified and acknowledged ones are the fingerprint based identification, the face based identification, palm based , retina based etc.
The above mentioned biometric modes are so reliable, proven and accepted globally that these can play an important role in securing premises by entry of only the authorised people allowed in an area through biometric access control features available for purposes like attendance or other areas like for passport authorities, visa, aadhar, rationing systems, defence authorities, airports etc demanding flawless identification modes and assure accurate and cent percent reliable data with automated identification systems eliminating misconduct and duplication of records
Today with growing technological expertise we have systems proven with accuracy, track records for various modes like fingerprint face, palm, RFID which are fast and accurate enough to be used individually or for even higher level of combination fingerprint plus face, face plus palm, face plus RFID etc.
With another benchmark achieved through visible light Technology during this covid-19 pandemic we now have systems which are capable to identify safety mask on ie 35% +- face covered with mask.
with these systems we can also not only verify person even after masked face but also make it a mandatory to enter in the premises so that only the people who follow covid secure behaviour are allowed in the premises and employees are secured from the infection possibility to spread within if present by any chance, over this also in these systems we can opt for features like temperature check so that along with following The Mask rules the persons temperature is automatically checked by the machine and only if temperature is normal the access is granted thus any infected persons are eliminated on entry point itself.
Over the above mentioned areas like attendance, access control where these systems can be used and are widely used already with high performance and assured accuracy through these automated systems, now the usage of such systems extended to further areas like canteen management, gyms and clubs, schools and hospitals and for payroll.
These automation systems assure 100% data genuinity and reliability to be used for highly secured tasks and premises and in india and globally it has gained a place as a mandatory requirement for any new official establishment or even societies, hospitals, schools, hotels, factories and so on.
08-07-2021 BY Admin
08-07-2021 BY Admin
08-07-2021 BY Admin